Onboarding Checklist: Welcoming new hires in 'deskless' workplaces


Onboarding is the critical first phase in an employee's journey with their organisation. Australian employers with shift-based workers might be tempted to cut corners amidst the pressure to fill roles quickly, but this can negatively impact time to productivity and overall employee satisfaction. Our checklist and guide to onboarding can help ensure all key steps are covered.

Why does onboarding matter?

Onboarding aims to ensure the time, energy and resources invested into recruitment pays off. It covers the critical transition period between someone being just another candidate to being a valued team member. Not only is onboarding crucial for familiarising new hires with the culture, processes and ‘way things are done’ at their new organisation, but it can also play a key role in socialising these new hires, providing opportunities to meet and get to know their new colleagues.

Depending on the role and industry, onboarding can take anything from one week to six months to complete. Poor onboarding can lead to high employee turnover within the first few months of employment. This can have a devastating impact on customer satisfaction, engagement and other key performance metrics. In Australian's tight labour market, with talent shortages and high employee turnover, effective onboarding has never been more critical.

What’s included in our onboarding guide?

Our guide is packed with useful tips and insights, as well as links to Australian government agencies to ensure all relevant new hire documentation is completed. You’ll also find: ·

Definitions – the differences (and similarities) between onboarding, induction and orientation

The ‘5 C’s’ of onboarding – the foundations of an effective onboarding program including compliance, clarification, culture, connections and check back

The unique challenges of onboarding new hires in deskless work environments such as retail, hospitality, construction, and more

The role of technology in onboarding – this is especially important for deskless workers who need mobile, on-demand access to company information, opportunities to meet and socialise with peers, and the option of completing relevant training

What does the onboarding checklist cover?

Our interactive checklist for Australian employers provides reminders and best practice recommendations for line managers and HR professionals. From the critical preboarding stage, through to what needs to occur by the end of day 1, and onto week 1 to week 5 and beyond, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to everything that needs to happen to quickly get new hires up to speed. There are also plenty of handy insights about buddies and mentors, what paperwork needs to be completed, how to personalise the onboarding experience, and more.

Discover how effective onboarding can help safeguard your investment into fresh talent. Download the Australian guide and checklist today!
