Industry in Focus: Local Government in Australia


Our ‘Industry in Focus’ series reviews the current and future people-related challenges facing key industries and uncovers the role that HR and workforce management software can play in easing those challenges. In this edition, we look at local government – a sector that employs people across almost 400 occupations and faces significant challenges around workforce planning, an ageing workforce, and competition with the private sector for talent.

Talent challenges – recruitment and retention

Australia’s 537 local governments and their almost 200,000 strong workforce provide vital services and functions to their constituents, including infrastructure such as local roads and waste collection, recreation facilities such as aquatic centres, community services, and cultural facilities such as libraries.

Meeting those needs means navigating several unique attraction and retention challenges – not least of which is finding people with the right skills and experience to fill roles across the wide spectrum of local government departments. This is particularly challenging in aged care and childcare facilities, which must compete with limited resources with the private sector for talent.

Meeting the compliance and regulatory needs of each business department also presents challenges – again, this is apparent in childcare and aged care facilities, which have mandatory staffing requirements.

An ageing workforce also presents retention challenges. As many workers head towards retirement, the loss of ‘corporate memory’ is a very real threat to business continuity. 


In response to these challenges, local governments are reinvesting in their value proposition to candidates and employees.

Some are offering greater flexibility and incentivising skilled retirees to re-enter the workforce; others are building out graduate employment pipelines and committing to mentoring and skills development to help younger workers think about longer term careers in local government. Others are offering non-monetary benefits, offering relocation assistance for workers in rural or regional areas of Australia, and even sourcing funding to construct staff housing.

The role of workforce management and HR software

It's almost impossible to cater to the logistical needs of a local government workforce without the help of HR and workforce management software.

Our ‘Industry in Focus’ guide showcases six ways HR and workforce management software can ease talent challenges. From the flexible configuration required to meet the unique needs of each business department (from childcare to sports centres and everything in between), to qualification management, flexible time tracking options, and task-based rostering, a human capital management (HCM) suite like Humanforce can help.

Keen to learn more? Complete the form to download our concise, informative guide to Australia’s local government sector now.

