A clear picture of average earnings per pay cycle helps employees compare current earnings to previous months to help plan ahead.
Live visibility in one place
Compare earnings with past months
Real-time countdown to next payday
A daily breakdown of earnings estimates how much employees can earn after tax and enables them to ensure daily spending isn't exceeding daily earning.
Improve financial habits
Understand earnings calculations
Build financial resilience
Check your pay quickly over each calendar month or over each day in graph format to better understand your pay break down over time.
Quick view for on the go analysis
Plan your savings against upcoming events
Shift saving behaviour with data
Track gives you a daily breakdown of earnings estimates of how much you can earn after tax and helps you ensure daily spending isn’t exceeding daily earning. You’ll also see what day you’re at in the pay cycle and how much you’ve earned so far. Plus, you’ll get a clear picture of daily earnings per pay cycle to help you compare current earnings to previous months to help you plan ahead.
Benefits helps attract talent to your business and retain the ones you do have. By offering financial wellness to employees, you stand out from other employers and become an employer of choice. It also helps to encourage shift uptake as they have more awareness of their finances and are more likely to work overtime or take a last-minute shift offering. Finally, healthy and happy employees – whether that’s physically, mentally or financially, are more likely to be productive employees as well, which ultimately impacts your bottom-line.
Speak to your Humanforce account manager for more information and how it’ll integrate with your existing software. You can also receive a quick demo of the app. So, you can see all the different tools and features your employees can access to improve the way they manage money. And from there, implementation is quick as it’ll only take a few weeks to set Thrive up.
A FIAP is an agreed strategy of practical actions that organisations carry out to improve financial inclusion with Australia. We’re one of sixty members who are committed to addressing issues of financial wellbeing. This means everything Benefits does is designed to improve the financial wellbeing of people in work.