Empower your team to set their own financial targets and how much they want to set aside from each hour worked.
Motivation based saving
Set estimated goal date
Build savings endurance
Track your earnings contributions towards growth goals with just a click of a button. And build savings momentum with clear updates on savings progress.
View saving growth over time
Build savings momentum
View the gap towards targets instantly
Employees have flexibility to cancel or change their goal anytime and can access money instantly when they need to.
Easily adjust goals at any time as priorities change
Reconfirm automated plan as needed
Grow gives Humanforce Thrive users access to the Blossom Fund, which uses fixed income investments to help you reach your savings goals faster. The Blossom Fund invests in investment-grade fixed income products and targets 5.7% p.a. returns.
Start by setting your goal by entering in how much you’ll need and select how much to set aside from each hour worked. You can then see how much your earnings have grown towards the goal amount, estimated goal date and how much will be transferred after you’ve been paid – all through the Thrive App. You’ll also have control to cancel or change your goal anytime, and can access money instantly when you need to.
Grow is a product of Earnd Pty Ltd ABN 46 625 490 968 Corporate authorised Representative No. 001296715 Gleneagle Asset Management Limited. Gleneagle Asset Management Limited ABN 29 103 162 278 AFSL 226199 is the Responsible Entity of the Blossom Fund ARSN 645 889 998 (Fund). You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, along with the Target Market Determination, available on (www.blossomapp.com). Your savings are not deposits held in a bank account and are subject to investment risk.
You can set it up through the Humanforce Thrive app in minutes.
1. Download the Humanforce Thrive app through Google Play or the App Store
2. Tap the Grow income in the bottom menu bar or on your home screen
3. Open your account and set your goal - how much do you want to save?
4. Review the Humanforce Thrive T&Cs and Blossom’s Product Disclosure Statement
5. Finalise your goal and away you grow! Enjoy 5.7%% p.a. targeted returns.
Blossom will plant a tree for you to celebrate the first transfer using your new Grow account. You can use Grow to access your savings instantly (as long as your bank supports instant payments) and for free. You can also change or pause or cancel your goal anytime.
You can withdraw funds through your Grow account at any time and at no cost.
While it’s not compulsory, we recommend providing your Tax File Number (TFN) through the Humanforce Thrive app so we can provide it to Blossom. The law is strict on how your tax file number can be used. If we don’t receive your tax file number and you don’t give us a valid exemption number, tax at the highest personal rate, plus the Medicare levy, must be withheld before passing on any distributions to you. You may claim a credit in your annual income tax return in respect of tax withheld. To avoid this, enter your tax file number or exemption number in the Settings tab in the app.
Benefits helps attract talent to your business and retain the ones you do have. By offering financial wellness to employees, you stand out from other employers and become an employer of choice. It also helps to encourage shift uptake as they have more awareness of their finances and are more likely to work overtime or take a last-minute shift offering. Finally, healthy and happy employees – whether that’s physically, mentally or financially, are more likely to be productive employees as well, which ultimately impacts your bottom-line.
Speak to your Humanforce account manager for more information and how it’ll integrate with your existing software. You can also receive a quick demo of the app. So, you can see all the different tools and features your employees can access to improve the way they manage money. And from there, implementation is quick as it’ll only take a few weeks to set Thrive up.
A FIAP is an agreed strategy of practical actions that organisations carry out to improve financial inclusion with Australia. We’re one of sixty members who are committed to addressing issues of financial wellbeing. This means everything Benefits does is designed to improve the financial wellbeing of people in work.