When you think of engaged employees, you’re likely to think of people who spend lots of time together in the same physical space.
But what happens when:
A worker doesn’t go to the same workplace every time they clock on?
They must work alongside individuals they have little or no familiarity with?
They have different managers for every shift who have different expectations?
They don’t even have a single employer, but rather freelance for a variety of clients?
These are increasingly prominent trends in today’s economy.
Our platform provides shift management software for clients in, among others, the aged care, child care, retail, hospitality, mining and logistics industries across 18 countries. It has been servicing deskless worker employers and employees for almost two decades.
In the process, Humanforce has generated unique insights: insights you can draw on when trying to work out how to motivate your team members and increase their productivity.
We’ve gathered our insights and provided a helpful guide - complete the form to download!