Re-engaging the managers of frontline workers



Why frontline managers are so critical

The term ‘frontline manager’ in this context refers to those people managing teams in frontline workplaces like retail, hospitality, healthcare, etc. In their ranks you’ll find supervisors, section chiefs, store managers, site managers, nurse unit managers, and so on. 

They might be public facing, or they might be toiling behind the scenes to supervise all aspects of activity and productivity, while keeping an eye on day-to-day operations such as rostering and scheduling, time & attendance, training, etc. For many, this will be their first managerial role, so they are also important for potentially filling future leadership roles.

These managers act as vital links to senior leadership teams, they act as mentors and provide feedback to team members, they manage conflict, navigate compliance and coordinate daily activities. They also turn strategy into action and cascade organisational goals.

Their impact on those they manage is profound. For example, Gallup’s research has found that 70% of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the direct manager. 

What’s going wrong?

Too many frontline managers are not given the support they need to excel in their roles. Because so many are promoted due to technical excellence, it’s assumed they need no further development. Yet this group of workers are amongst the most disengaged, are struggling with burnout, and are often required to fill vacant roles in their teams themselves.

How to improve the employee experience for frontline managers

Our eBook suggests a three-pronged approach to both re-engage and retain frontline managers. We outline:

  • Why continuous professional development is so critical and what skills they need in order to excel

  • The retention power of offering career paths, especially the pathway from manager to leader

  • Why it’s so critical to give these managers the technology tools they need to streamline processes and automate tasks relating to rostering & scheduling, tracking time & attendance, leave management, and countless other activities

Keen to ‘strengthen your core’ and to re-engage the frontline managers in your organisation? Packed with independent research, useful insights and handy tips, our eBook can be downloaded by completing the form.
