Your Customer Success Manager. Your Humanforce advocate.

Your Customer Success Program Manager operates as your Humanforce advocate, nourishing your overall health and instituting success programs that prioritise your business goals and strategy.

Anticipating your questions and challenges by proactively offering answers
Actualising the feedback that you provide
Showing you the path to value

Your success journey


Define success and launch fast.

Define your success plan to establish clear goals for your workforce journey and to maximise the value of Humanforce. By setting goals together we establish a long-lasting partnership between our Customer Success team and your team.


Your success plan and goals are driven by the adoption of key modules and features within Humanforce. We obsess about your users and how successful they are adopting Humanforce to drive outcomes that matter for your business.


Tomorrow’s goals realised
Your business processes, wants and needs will change over time. With access to ongoing product innovation and consulting expertise, we will work with you to refine and optimise your Humanforce solution.

Reaching your goals faster and continuously adding value

Executive business reviews

Regular planning, review and insight sessions to ensure you’re getting the most out of Humanforce

Success plans & reports

Customised guides and advice to help you achieve your workforce management goals

Proactive optimisation

Proactive monitoring of your business, industry and enviromental health, to proacitvely optimise

Adoption campaigns

Ensure enablement and adoption of features that will drive additional value

Product insights

Making sure you’re always using the most efficient tool for the job

Change management

Creating excitement around adoption and empowering your admins, managers and users