Hotel Grand Chancellor



The Hotel Grand Chancellor, the owner and operator of several hotels throughout Queensland, engaged Humanforce to automate rostering and timesheet management and improve business efficiency.

Amanda Hogan, Area Human Resources Manager Queensland, shares how Humanforce’s solutions helped to streamline workforce processes at the Hotel Grand Chancellor. Prior to Humanforce, the Hotel Grand Chancellor used manual timesheets and rosters posted on the hotel wall, a time-consuming process.


“We noticed a huge amount of time theft because most of our staff rounded up. As our hotels operate 24/7, we had no way of knowing the degree of time theft before Humanforce. The vein scanning system has completely transformed the accuracy of our time recording process.”

If people are sick or on leave, other employees can bid to pick up the shift. “With Humanforce, we now always have the right amount of staff on each shift”. “This improvement is in stark contrast to the time-consuming and often inaccurate prior approach to workforce management.”

“With the Humanforce system, you can easily send reminders, tasks and messages. For example, ‘no overtime unless it’s authorised’ to remind staff members that they must only work shifts for which they have been rostered”.

Track your employees’ visa details and certifications from the palm of your hand." Amanda explains, “before, we used an Excel spreadsheet…it was a pretty time-consuming process. Now we just put those certificates into Humanforce and check the alerts. This means we can act in time to ensure that all certifications are up to date and none lapse.”

"By improving electronic communication, we have been able to control costs a lot better,and we can forecast and know where we are at."

– Amanda Hogan, Area Human Resource Manager, Queensland Hotel Grand Chancellor


  • Attribution of Labour Costs

  • Real-time Reporting & Forecasting

  • Biometric Authentication for complete visibility

  • Payroll processing time saved and errors reduced

  • Automated rostering to improve efficiency
